Taxi / Bank Card Fraud

Toronto Police have issued warnings about an ongoing scam targeting good Samaritans. The scam involves two suspects – one who acts like a taxi driver and another who acts like a customer.

  1. The taxi driver refuses to accept a cash payment from the “customer” and the customer then flags down passersby asking for their help
  2. The Victims are asked to use their debit cards to pay for the fare in exchange for the cash, which is given to the victim at the time
  3. When the victim uses their debit card in the debit machine handed to them by the taxi driver, the scammers obtain the person’s PIN as they punch it in
  4. The victim is then distracted by the “customer” and the driver switches the debit cards — keeping the victim’s card and giving them a different one back.
  5. The stolen debit card is then used to withdraw money.